by Randi, The Muffin Lady
courtesy of Ann Telling
Let me tell you about The Alligator Pear.
Oh boy is he good too.
He doesn’t walk or talk but is
fervent about pleasing.
And his dress can be decadent or plain, it is a matter of personal feasting.
He has a tendency to grow in warm moist areas, but is neither animal, reptile nor amphibian!
He comes in only one color, but varies according to meridian.
He is round but long, skinny but fat, and even has a seed on the inside of his hat.
Do you know the Alligator pear? He is found everywhere.
More than likely he hides in the grocery all dressed in green.
When you find him fully preened, please call him by his formal name...
... his fame... his motto:
... the Avocado.
Thanks for sharing this poetry about the Avocado, Ann and Randi!
How about some nutrition facts:
Even though they are fruits, avocados contain a lot of a fat (between 71 to 88% of their total calories - about 20 times the average for other fruits). However, the 30 grams of fat boast a 20 grams of health-promoting monounsaturated fats, especially oleic acid.
A medium-sized avocado contains as much fat as a quarter-pound burger. Nutritionists say the monounsaturated fat in an avocado is the "good" kind that actually lowers cholesterol levels. Because of this new understanding, the U.S. government revised its official nutrition guidelines to urge Americans to eat more avocados.
For even more information, please visit the Avocado Page on WebMD.
Monounsaturated fat, the same kind of fat as olives, may help lower cholesterol. Also avocados are extremely high in Vitamin K, high in beta carotene, folate (a B vitamin), fiber, and potassium (ounce for ounce avocados contain 60% more potassium than bananas). To put the fat in perspective, per ounce avocados have less fat than lean beef, and a whole Haas avocado (the highest fat variety) has less fat than 3 tablespoons of Italian salad dressing. So, go right ahead and put some guacamole on your sandwich, baked potato, salad, dip, hamburger, taco or burrito!
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