Sunday, December 15, 2013

12-15-13 Merry Christmas $10.00 Produce box for today, Monday & Tuesday includes:

Romaine Lettuce
2 tomatoes
2 cucumber
2 color sweet peppers
2 green sweet peppers
2 sm butternut squash
2 yellow squash
2 zucchini squash
2 sweet corn, bicolor
2 onions
2 tangerines
2 rosy bananas
2 big limes
6 sm color sweet peppers
bag red radish
bunch of green onions

all for $10.00.  No need to call ahead, if you came before please bring your box back.  Any questions or need directions to the farm call 232 3381 or 799 6752.  Produce barn open until 6 pm.  No upick today, green beans not ready yet.  We will also cut mustard and collard greens today. Also we have our blackeyes in the freezer.