Sunday, July 10, 2016

$10.00 Produce Box for Sun Mon & Tuesday , and Upick open for Southern Peas

$10.00 Produce Box for Sun Mon & Tuesday at the farm 8-6pm;
Romaine Lettuce
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Yellow Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Pickles
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Peaches
2 Bananas
1 Eggplant
2 Jalopenas & a long hot
bunch of green onions
Nice $10.00 Produce box available at the farm only on Sun Monday and Tuesday. No subsitutions, cash only. Please bring your box back if you came before. Other produce including watermelon available also in Produce Barn. Upick peas today, $25.00 bushel.Come early for field picking as its hot in afternoon out in field. I will post picture of Produce box in a bit on our facebook page.