Sunday, March 19, 2017

$10.00 Produce Box, free bunch of kale or swiss chard if you pick with box!

On Sunday Monday and Tuesday we put together our $10.00 Produce Box, with freezing temps this week farmers had a rough week. We had some loss with some spring crops we had planted.The Produce box includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Yellow Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Bananas
2 Oranges
2 Red Sweet Peppers
1 Eggplant
2 Sweet Potatoes
2 Hot Peppers
2 Jalopenas and
4 Mini Sweets
Free Bunch of Swiss Chard or Kale included in the box if you want to go pick your bunch! (since no romaine in box this week) We are clearing out front field of red or white swiss chard or green or purple kale. Remember our Produce box is available on Sunday Monday and Tuesday at the farm from 8-6pm. Cash only, we cannot accept any cards. Any questions or need directions call the farm 799-6752, if you get our machine you must leave your number if you want us to call you back. Thank you for supporting your local farmers. I will post a picture of box in a bit on our facebook page.