Sunday, January 27, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm Sun Mon & Tuesday No Market in Town today

Rain, rain and more rain then cold. Farming can be tough!! Sunday Monday & Tuesday here at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce box, it includes:
Florida Romaine Lettuce
2 Beautiful Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Big Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Sweet Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
Mini Sweets and
Red Radishes!
We will also give you hot peppers if you want. This $10.00 Produce box is a favorite. If you came before please remember to bring your box back. Cash only. Produce barn open 8 am to 6 pm. No need to call first. If rain lets up we will try to go to field for greens today. The Sunday market up town has been cancelled today. I will post some box pictures in a bit on our facebook page.Thank you for sharing with your friends and supporting your local farmers. Honestly with recent cold and heavy rains we think we are all doing a great job bringing fresh vegetables to you. It is a team effort!