Sunday, May 24, 2020

$10.00 Produce Box Sunday Monday & Tuesday at the farm, upick sunflowers

Good Morning! We are open today 8-6. We have a great $10 produce box for you this week! I will include a list of the contents and a photo below. We also have a large variety of fresh fruits & veggies all throughout our produce barn. Along with fresh potted herbs,jams,jellies,pickled items, raw honey,and freshly made salsas.
🍿 We will be popping kettle corn all day too! 🙌
🌻 The u-pick is still open on our sunflowers $1.00 each. We provide clippers for these and recommend bringing a container to add water to at our sink for traveling home.
🌱 Green bean upick is closed. They need time to grow new beans. I do not have a date for these opening I will watch the patches and keep you updated.
🐔 We also have farm animals such as goats,chickens,horse,cow&bunnies that we provide food free of charge for you to feed and interact with them.
It's a great day here at the farm so come out and see us! & as always 💚 Thank You For Supporting Your Local Farmer! 💚
▪︎We will be Open tomorrow Monday(Memorial Day) normal business hours 8am-6pm ▪︎
☆$10 box days : sun,mon,tue ☆ **these days only**
**Cash Only**
☆$10 Produce Box includes:
1 cantaloupe
2 tomatoes
2 roma tomatoes
2 zucchini squash
1 yellow squash
2 cucumbers
2 fat cucumbers
2 green peppers(3 if smaller)
2 sweet peppers
2 carrots
2 sweet onions
Mini sweet peppers
Green onions
& hott peppers *if you like* added at counter per request
10137 Preston Rd Brooksville FL 34601