Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Beasley Farm Update

 The farm is open on Sunday Monday and Tuesday with the $10.00 Produce box special and of course you can shop from the display we have set up in the Produce Barn. We are also open on Wednesday but no box. Hours are 8am to 6pm. We are closed on Thursday Friday and Saturday.

For those with Senior Vouchers be sure to use them soon as they expire in early October and we cannot accept after expired.  We are also taking WIC at this time, in check form. We do not have the machine to accept the cards.

We will be hosting the Brooksville Pumpkin Patch this year. That starts on October 11th, if possib le follow the Brooksville Pumpkin Patch facebook page and of course our Beasley Farm facebook page so you can see the pictures and get all updates.  

We have planted and replanted and replanted again, having a tough time getting our fall/winter crops in as our clay has taken on too much water from the heavy rains we have been getting in the past month or so. We have not given up tho.  We will keep you posted. 

Thank you for supporting your local farmers!!