Sunday, September 28, 2014

$10.00 Produce Box for Sunday Monday and Tuesday at the farm

9-28-14    $10.00 Produce Box available at the farm Sunday Monday and Tuesday:

Romaine Lettuce
2 tomatoes
2 fat cucumbers
2 bell peppers
2 sweet peppers
2 yellow squash
2 zucchini squash
2 rosy bananas
2 apples
bag of red radishes
6 mini sweet color peppers
2 limes

This $10.00 box is available at the farm on Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8-6 pm.   If you came before please bring your box back. No need to call ahead.  Any questions or need directions call 352 799-6752 or cell 352 232 3381.  Other produce available in the Produce barn.  No subsitutions, cash only.

Note:  Our fall planting is behind due to all the rainfall, our fields are saturated at this point, so our upick and fall crops will be coming in later.  I will keep you informed of crop schedule.