Sunday, October 5, 2014

FALL IS FINALLY HERE, HOW NICE IS THAT! $10.00 Produce Box for Sunday Monday and Tuesday 10-5-14

Beautiful Weather this morning- made up a $10.00 box perfect for this weather!

$10.00 Produce Box for Sunday Monday and Tuesday includes;

Big Eggplant
Butternut Squash
2 Carrots
2 Sweet Potatoes
2 Yellow Squash
1 Big zucchini squash
2 green bell peppers
2 tomatoes
2 sweet peppers
2 small onions
1 bag red radishes
2 apples
2 tangerines
2 bananas
6 mini color sweet peppers

Make a stew for this fall weather!  Posted a picture on our Beasley Farm facebook, still haven't figured out how to post pictures on this blog.  Anyway our $10.00 Produce box is available Sunday Monday and Tuesday only at the farm, no need to call ahead.  If you came before please bring your box back, and any extra plastic bags we can sure use them.  Any questions or need directions call 352 799-6752 or cell 352 232 3381.

Note-  now if the rain lets up we can get back to our fall planting, we are behind due to fields too wet.