10137 Preston Rd

just off Mondon Hill Road between Hwy 41 and Hwy 50.

Produce Barn is open Sunday Monday Tuesday & Wednesday Farm Phone 352 799 6752 When we're busy in the field, our cells keep us available 352-232-3381 & 352-232-0294

E-mail us , we prefer phone calls rather than emails,beas9781@bellsouth.net

For our Produce Stand locations, dates, and hours please click here.

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at the farm, Greens and Sunday Market

Good Morning! Rained most of the night so field going to be pretty wet. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, today it includes:
2 Tomatoes
Sm Butternut Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
1 lemon
Mini sweets
Red Radishes
and Green Onions!
all for $10.00 We will also give you some hot peppers if you like them. We have our fresh organically grown Collard Greens available as well as some kale today . Other produce in Produce barn too. The farm is cash only, open until 6pm.
If you came before, please bring your box back.
Kathy is setting up at the Brooksville market in town today across from MaVittles on Old Hospital Rd. No $10.00 boxes there or greens but that market offers a great deal on snap/ebt fresh access bucks, they double it so that's great!
I will post some pictures in a bit. Bring the kids to the farm our new baby goats are just adorable and we give you free food to feed the animals. I will post pictures in a bit.on our facebook page
Also Kenny & Stacy will be here today making Kettle Corn!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at the farm, No market in Brooksville today bc of weather

Rainy day at the farm today. We are open and have the $10.00 Produce box and greens and more for you to choose from so come out and get your Christmas veggies. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday from 8 to 6pm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box which includes:
2 Tomatoes
Sm Butternut Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
1 Lemon
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets
Green Onions
and we will give you some hot peppers if you like them as well! In our Produce barn we have our organically grown greens as well. There is other produce for you to choose from too. I will post pictures in a bit.on our fb
Because of the weather Kathy will not be at the market in town today. Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at the farm Sun Mon & Tues, Market in Brooksville today

Good Morning! Weather going to be amazing today! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box which includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Sweet Onions
2 Rosy Bananas
1 Carrot
1 Small lemon
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets and
fresh green onions
all for $10.00 only at the farm Sun Mon & Tues. Thank you to my eggplant farmer for this add, its been awhile and we all know eggplant likes warm nights and we have not had that so great job! We have missed you! Other produce available in our Produce barn as well. Come bring the kids to see our farm animals. We provide free food if you want to feed them.
Kathy is up in Brooksville at the market today until 3pm. They are having the bike rally there so they will have live music and more vendors. No Produce boxes there but that market will double the fresh access snap/ebt bucks which is a great deal!
Thank you so much for supporting your local farmers! I will post some pictures in a bit on our facebook page.. See you at the farm!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm, Market in Brooksville 9 to 3pm

Good Morning! Beautiful morning at the farm! On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box:
Organically grown Bok Choy, probably last week to get this
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
Min Sweets
Red Radishes and
fresh green onions!
all for $10.00 on Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6 at the farm. Our farm is cash only. We have a lot of other fresh produce in our Produce Barn for you to choose as well. Stacy & Kenny will be making that yummy kettle corn here today. We also had a baby goat this week so adorable so come see and feed our farm animals. Kids love that! New baby bunnies too!
Good Morning! Beautiful morning at the farm! On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box:
Organically grown Bok Choy, probably last week to get this
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
Min Sweets
Red Radishes and
fresh green onions!
all for $10.00 on Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6 at the farm. Our farm is cash only. We have a lot of other fresh produce in our Produce Barn for you to choose as well. Stacy & Kenny will be making that yummy kettle corn here today. We also had a baby goat this week so adorable so come see and feed our farm animals. Kids love that! New baby bunnies too!
Kathy is setting up in town today for the Brooksville market. At that market they double your fresh access bucks snap/ebt. That's a great deal as well. No Produce boxes there.
I will post some pictures in a bit.on our facebook page. Come out to the farm and enjoy the day! Thanks for supporting your local farmers!

Kathy is setting up in town today for the Brooksville market. At that market they double your fresh access bucks snap/ebt. That's a great deal as well. No Produce boxes there.
I will post some pictures in a bit.o Come out to the farm and enjoy the day! Thanks for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at the farm, Market in Brooksville

Good Morning! Beautiful morning at the farm. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce box:
We changed it up a bit hoping you will enjoy something new.
Our organically grown Bok Choy
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Sweet onions
1 Carrot
Mini Sweets
and Red Radishes!
all for $10.00, only at the farm Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6pm. Cash only. Also if you like hot peppers we will give you some of those as well. I will post pic in a bit on our fb page. We of course have other produce in our Produce barn like our fresh mustard and collard greens and more! If you came before please bring your box back. Kathy is setting up in town at the market on Old Hospital rd across from MaVittles, no boxes there but a nice display and they accept and double your fresh access ebt/snap bucks. That's a great deal as well. So come out and enjoy the farm today, we give you free animal feed if you want to feed our farm animals. Thank you for supporting your local farmers! See you at the farm!

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Farm & Market

Good Sunday Morning! We put together a beautiful $10.00 Produce box for Sunday Monday & Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm. This is a favorite and it includes:
2 Sweet Corn, Yellow this week
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets are back
and fresh green onions!
Also if you like a little hot peppers we will include those for free! This is a great box , all for $10.00 Remember only Sun Mon & Tues. Farm is cash only. We have a lot of other produce in our Produce barn you can pick up for your Thanksgiving fixings this week. Don't miss out on our fresh greens too! We have fresh mustard and collard greens, and our Baby bok choy is excellent! For peas we have Blackeyes and conchs all shelled and cleaned. So much more too! So come to the farm, bring the kids to feed the farm animals. We provide the animal food free as well. We love our farm, its a beautiful place just come and relax a bit! I will post some pictures in a bit on our fb page..
Kathy is up town at the market in Brooksville today until 3pm, if you have fresh access bucks snap/ept they double it at the market. No produce boxes there.
Thanks for supporting your local farmers! Share with your friends we appreciate that.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box and market in Brooksville

Good Sunday Morning! Love this cooler weather, our crops love it as well! On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box includes:
2 Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Onions
2 Bananas
1 Carrot and
Mini Sweet Peppers!
We will also give you some hot peppers to go with your box if you like them, all for $10.00 The farm is cash only and if you came before please bring your box back. We have other fresh produce in our Produce barn too. Bring the kids come feed our farm animals we provide the feed free. Kenny will be here today making his great Kettle Corn. Stacy in the field pulling fresh greens, mustards, collards and baby bok choy for today.
I will post pictures in a bit.on our facebook page.
Kathy is set up in town at the market and bike rally today until 3pm. No Produce boxes there but a nice display. They will have live music and other vendors there.They also double your snap/ebt fresh access bucks at that market.
Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, November 10, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box and Sunday Market

Good Sunday morning! We love these cool mornings and so do our crops! On Sunday Monday & Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box including:
2 Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
1 Big Carrot
2 Bananas
2 Limes
2 Onions and
Red Radishes!
We also have hot peppers free if you like them. The $10.00 Produce box is available only at the farm Sun Mon & Tues.
Cash Only. If you came before please bring your box back.
We have other fresh produce in our Produce barn including our mustard and collard greens, baby bok choy and more.
We provide food free if you want to go feed the farm animals, the kids love that! I will post pictures in a bit 0n our facebook page.
Kathy is up in Brooksville at the market on Old Hospital road, across from MaVittles restaurant. If you have ebt/snap that market will double your fresh access bucks, That's a great deal too. No Produce boxes there only at the farm.
Thank you for supporting your local farmers and if you came to the farm before please bring your box back. Thanks.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box Sun Mon & Tuesd at the farm , Sunday Market in Brooksville

Love this cool morning!!! Getting ready for the day at the farm. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box. This is a favorite and it includes:
2 Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Yellow Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Limes
2 Carrots
2 Bananas
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets and
Green Onions!
All for $10.00 This is a great deal! Plus Rolo has hot peppers free if you like them as well. We offer this 8 to 6pm only at the farm on Sunday Monday & Tuesday. Farm is cash only. We have other produce as well in our Produce barn, including fresh organically grown Mustard Greens! That's our new harvest and they are beautiful and so good!
UPICK GREEN BEANS TODAY NOON TO 6PM $5.00 GALLON PICKING BUCKET, this is our last field of beans.
Kathy is up in Brooksville today until 3pm at the market on Old Hospital Rd. Across from MaVittles Resturant. That market doubles your fresh bucks so that's a great savings on your produce.
I will post pictures in a bit. Great day to come to the farm. We provide food free if you want to feed the farm animals. If you came before please bring your box back, we reuse them. Thank you for supporting your local farmers!
Love this cool morning!!! Getting ready for the day at the farm. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box. This is a favorite and it includes:
2 Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Yellow Squash
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Limes
2 Carrots
2 Bananas
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets and
Green Onions!
All for $10.00 This is a great deal! Plus Rolo has hot peppers free if you like them as well. We offer this 8 to 6pm only at the farm on Sunday Monday & Tuesday. Farm is cash only. We have other produce as well in our Produce barn, including fresh organically grown Mustard Greens! That's our new harvest and they are beautiful and so good!
UPICK GREEN BEANS TODAY NOON TO 6PM $5.00 GALLON PICKING BUCKET, this is our last field of beans.
Kathy is up in Brooksville today until 3pm at the market on Old Hospital Rd. Across from MaVittles Resturant. That market doubles your fresh bucks so that's a great savings on your produce.
I will post pictures in a bit on our facebook page. Great day to come to the farm. We provide food free if you want to feed the farm animals. If you came before please bring your box back, we reuse them. Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm Sun Mon & Tues, Kathy in Brooksville today at the market

Good Sunday Morning! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box. This box is a favorite, you will love it. It includes:
2 Sweet Corn, bicolor
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Bananas
2 Limes
Mini Sweets
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
Rolo has some hot peppers if you like them too! The $10.00 box is only available at the farm on Sun Mon & Tues. Cash only. If you came before please bring your box back. We have other produce in our Produce Barn including our beautiful new harvest of Mustard Greens, only $3.00 big bunch and more.
Bring the kids to feed our farm animals, we provide the animal food free . I will post some pictures in a bit.on our facebook page.
Kathy is setting up town in Brooksville at the market on Old Hospital Road across from MaVittles. She will be there until 3pm. No Produce boxes there, but they have a good deal going on the fresh access bucks, snap/ebt. They double it for you!
Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

UPICK green beans, $10.00 Produce box and market in Brooksville

Good Morning! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, its a great one this time:
2 Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Fat Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Bananas
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets
and fresh green onions!
We also have hot peppers if you like them! This is the best deal around! You will love it! Come U PICK GREEN BEANS
today as the field is ending, it is very wet so wear old boots or shoes. $5.00 gallon picking bucket, beans are organically grown. Our box is available on Sun Mon & Tues only. Cash only.
Kathy is up in Brooksville today at the market until 3pm. They are having the bike rally with live music, dancing lessons and more as well. If you have snap/ebt fresh access bucks, they double it there. No produce boxes at the market.
I will post pics in a bit on our facebook page.Thank you for supporting your local farmers.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm, Kathy will not be at Brooksville market today

Beautiful Sunday morning at the farm! On Sunday Monday & Tues we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, it includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Fat Cucumbers, new add
2 Regular Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Apples
2 Bananas
Mini Sweets, new harvest
Red Radishes &
fresh green onions!
Also if you like jalopenas we will give them to you. This is a favorite box, you will love it! If you came before please bring your box back. Other produce in Produce Barn too! I will check the green bean field in a bit and post its status. Kathy will not be at the market in Brooksville today, sorry about the incovience but the farm is open. She will be back next week.
I will post some pics in a bit on our fb page, bring the kids to come see our farm animals. We provide feed if they want to feed them. We have new goats, chickens, ducks, bunnies, horse cow and of course theres Georgia! Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm Sun Mon & Tues, Kathy up in Brooksville today

Good Morning! On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box. This is a favorite includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Tangerines
2 Apples
Mini Sweets (Yay, they are back)
Red Radishes
Green Onions
The $10.00 Produce box is available only on Sun Mon & Tues at the farm 8 to 6pm. Cash Only. If you came before please bring your box back. No need to call ahead. Other produce in our Produce barn available as well. Come check out our new goats as well as our new babies, plus our other farm animals.
Kathy is setting up in Brooksville at the market across from MaVittles Resturant on Old Hospital Rd. No boxes there but that market accepts ebt/snap fresh access bucks. They will actually double them so that's a great deal!
I will post some pics in a bit on our facebook page. . Thank you for supporting your local farmers!

Sunday, September 29, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm Sunday Monday and Tuesday, Sunday Market in Brooksville

Beautiful Sunday morning at the farm. On Sunday Monday and Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Carrots
2 Bananas
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
Rolo also has corn or jalopenas if you want them. The $10 box is only available at the farm on Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6pm Cash only. Other produce available in our Produce Barn too.
If you came before please bring your box back.
Kathy is setting up in Brooksville today at the market across from MaVittles on Old Hospitlal Road. At that market they take the fresh access bucks and actually double them , great deal too! No $10.00 boxes at the Brooksville market.
Any seniors that still have your vouchers they will be expiring soon so be sure to use them soon either at the farm or market.
Next upick is green beans Not ready yet I will post .
We had 2 new baby goats so we are in the process of expanding our goat yard to give them more play room.
I will post picture on our facebook page in a bit. Thank you for supporting your local farms and sharing with your friends!

Sunday, September 22, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm, Market in Brooksville on Sunday

Beautiful Sunday Morning! At the farm on Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm we have our special $10.00 Produce box and its a beautiful one, sweet corn is back in it! It includes:
2 Bicolor Sweet Corn
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Bananas
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
and we have some hot peppers too if you like them. Our $10.00 box is cash only at the farm on Sun Mon & Tues. Other produce available in our Produce barn as well. Bring the kids out to feed the animals too they love it! Kathy is setting up in Brookville at the market there on Old Hospital Rd across from MaVittles restaurant. No boxes at the market but they have a special if you have fresh access bucks they double them.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm, Market in Brooksville Sunday

Good Morning! Beautiful day at the farm, check out our fields as we have been working like crazy and a perfect rain last night for our newly planted greens! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Purple Onions
2 Apples
2 Bananas
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
and we have some Jalopenas if you like. This is a great deal and only available at the farm on Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6pm. The farm is cash only. If you came before please bring your box back. Other produce available in Produce Barn too. Our new baby calf is now here along with all our other farm animals too.
Kathy is setting up today in town at the market which today is also the Bike Rally so you might want to check that out . No Produce boxes there but that market accepts and doubles the fresh access bucks, another great deal!
I will post some pictures in a bit.on our facebook page.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

$10 Produce Box & Sunday Market

Good Sunday Morning! We are busy at the farm today! Its a beautiful morning. On Sunday Monday & Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, this is a favorite it includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Carrots
2 Onions
2 Bananas
2 Apples
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
and if you like hot peppers we will add them as well! Our $10 box is available at the farm only on Sun Mon & Tues 8 to 6pm.
Cash only and if you came before please bring your box back.
Other produce available in our Produce Barn. Get your southern peas, blackeyes and conchs for the holidays before they are gone. We are doing tree work around the farm this week so you will notice that, just be careful when going to the animals. We are working on getting it cleaned up.
Kathy is setting up in town today at the Brooksville market. No Produce boxes there but a nice display for you to choose from and also that market accepts and actually doubles the fresh access bucks! Great deal too! I will post some pics in a bit on our facebook page.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Farm open, no box this weekend

Good Sunday Morning and it really is beautiful today! We are so relieved looks like we are all going to be ok with the hurricane out there! The farm is open today but we are not doing the $10.00 Produce box. Several days ago we had to make that decision and thinking we all may be out of power we shut down our big cooler. We have produce is our display cooler for you to pick and choose from this weekend. We will be back to normal next week and also hopefully our fields will be dry enough to continue our fall planting. We have been in touch with our south FL farmers as well as they have already planted and it looks like they will be ok as well. The Brooksville market in town was cancelled for this Sunday.

Friday, August 30, 2019

farm update

We just wanted to send an update because of the Hurricane our schedule has changed a bit.  The Saturday market is still on in Spring Hill in the Town Square Mall parking lot by Chili's and the polish restaurant.  We will be there Saturday until 3pm.
Sunday the farm will be open but no $10.00 Produce box, you can choose from our displays and the cooler.  The Sunday Brooksville market has been cancelled.  
Monday the farm will be open again no produce box tho. and from there no one know's.  We are so concerned about the Hurricane and watching weather as all of you are. Everyone be safe and be prepared.  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box at the farm, Market in Brooksville

Good Sunday Morning! Been a very productive week at the farm, preparing our fields for our fall planting! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, this is a favorite and it includes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Onions
2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Bananas
2 Limes
Red Radishes
Mini Sweets
and Green Onions!
all for $10.00 only at the farm on Sun Mon & Tuesday 8 to 6pm. Remember the farm is cash only and if you came before please bring your box back. If you like hot peppers we also have some for you. Kathy is setting up today in town at the market across from MaVittles on Old Hospital Road. That market has got a great deal if you have ebt/snap. They will double your fresh access bucks. No boxes at market. I will post pictures in a bit on our facebook  page.  Bring the kids to come see our animals and you can feed them if you like!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at the farm, Sunday Brooksville Market

Good Sunday Morning! Enough rain already, we need our fields to dry out for our fall planting. We have a great plan for our fall crops! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday we put together the $10.00 Produce Box, this is a favorite it incudes:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Cucumbers
2 Onions
2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Bananas
2 Limes
Red Radishes and
Green Onions!
Only available at the farm on Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6 pm. Farm is cash only. Other produce also available in our Produce barn as well. Get your peas before they are gone, we have lost our entire last picking due to wet fields so what we have is it. Kathy is setting up today in town at the market on Old Hospital Road across from MaVittles Resturant. That market accepts ebt/snap and actually doubles the fresh access bucks. I will post some pictures in a bit on our facebook page. Remember to bring your boxes back if you came before.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

$10.00 Produce box at farm, Kathy at market until 3 today

Good Sunday Morning! At the farm on Sunday Monday & Tuesday 8 to 6 pm we put together $10.00 Produce Box:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Onions
2 Carrots
2 McIntosh Apples
2 Bananas
1 Lime
Mini Sweets
Red Radishes and
fresh Green Onions!
All for $10.00, if you came before please bring your box back. We have other produce available in our Produce barn as well.
Get your blackeyes or conchs before they are gone, two pound bags shelled and cleaned 10.00 too.
Kathy is setting up at the Brooksville market in town on Old Hospital road across from MaVittles Resturant. She will be there until 3, weather permitting and that market does take ebt/snap cards, actually doubles your fresh access bucks. No $10.00 Produce boxes at our stands only at the farm. I will post pictures in a bit on our facebook page.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

$10.00 Produce Box, Peas, Brooksville Market

Good Morning! On Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm at the farm we put together the $10.00 Produce box, including:
2 Tomatoes
2 Roma Tomatoes
2 Zucchini Squash
2 Yellow Squash
2 Cucumbers
2 Green Peppers
2 Sweet Peppers
2 Onions
2 Carrots
2 Apples
2 Bananas
Mini Sweets
Red Radishes and
Fresh Cilantro
We also have jalopenas if you like them! All for $10.00 at the farm. Other produce also available. We have our peas too. Blackeyes and Conchs shelled and cleaned two pound bags for 10.00 too. I will post a picture in a bit. on our facebook page.
Kathy is setting up in Brooksville at the market on Old Hospital road across from MaVittles restaurant. No Produce boxes there but if you have snap/ebt they got a great deal there as they double your fresh access bucks.
Come see our animals they love the attention! We still have 3 bunnies for sale.
We have our last picking of peas to go in the field but it is way way too wet. Its a possibility we may not get to them if rains don't let up for awhile, field needs to dry up.

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