We will be putting together a great $10.00 Produce box this week and including a freebie too!
We offer this box on Sunday Monday and Tuesday 8 to 6pm at Beasley Farm. Box includes:
2 Sweet Corn, 2 Tomatoes, 2 Roma Tomatoes, 2 Zucchini Squash, 2 Cucumbers, 2 Green Peppers,
2 Sweet Peppers, 2 Carrots,2 Onions, Green Onions and Jalopenas if you like them.
Oh and 2 fat cucumber pickles too.
Also we are clearing our field of beets this week so we are putting some in there too!
Its a great deal!
Our blackeyes and conch peas are available for $10.00 two pound bag in the Produce barn. We will likely run out so get yours soon and put in freezer for the holidays or family dinners.