Greetings! Happy "National Bundt Pan Day"! May today find you and your loved ones doing well. To the left is a photo of our Mustard Greens field. We also want to take this opportunity to wish you an "early" Happy Thanksgiving. We hope for safe traveling to you and your loved ones, and a very enjoyable time for all.
Only 7 more days 'til Thanksgiving!
We are excited to announce that our Mustard Greens and Turnips are now being harvested in time for Thanksgiving. Mmmmm.
Because Mustards belong to the Cruciferous Family, they are extremely healthy and versatile, full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Please click here for full details.
Presently we are harvesting our Yellow Summer Squash, White Radish, Mustard Greens, Turnips and Zucchini - all pesticide-free.
Currently planted on the farm, but not yet ready for harvest:
- Eight-ball Zucchini (our speciality)
- Yellow Zucchini
- Pole Beans
- Yellow Beans
- Red and White Swiss Chard (another specialty)
It will be another 10-40 days before most of these are ready for harvest.
The Kale and Swiss Chard required replanting due to the amount of rain in October. We'll keep you posted when they are ready.
As always, please feel free to phone the farm for special requests or special orders. We'll do everything we can to accommodate you. If you need something from the Farmers Market in Plant City, it is best to phone by Wednesday afternoon.
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services visits to our farm regularly to test our soil and plants. For more information about our farming techniques, and the testing we undergo, please click here.
From the Farmers Market:
Cherry Tomatoes
Green Tomatoes
Pickling Cukes
Green and Red Bell Peppers
Jalapenos (be sure to remove the seeds!)
Sweet Potatoes
Baking Potatoes
Red Skin Potatoes
White Skin Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Acorn Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Acorn Squash
Spaghetti Squash
Yellow Onions
Scallion Onions
Purple Onions
Red Radish
Head Lettuce
Florida BiColor corn on the cob!
Limes (recipe below)
Red Navel Oranges
Navel Oranges
Navel Oranges
Red Grapefruit
Red Delicious Apples
Florida Avocados
From the Farm:
Pesticide-Free Yellow Summer Squash
Pesticide-Free Zucchini
Pesticide-Free White Radish
Pesticide-Free Okra (limited supply)
Pesticide-Free White Radish
Pesticide-Free Okra (limited supply)
Phone for fresh-frozen Black Eye Peas
Where we will be this week:
Rolo will also be at the Spring Hill Drive location on Tuesday, November 20, before Thanksgiving.
Rolo will also be at the Spring Hill Drive location on Tuesday, November 20, before Thanksgiving.
Friday AND Tuesday - 7:30AM - 5PM Rolo will be at our Spring Hill Drive location next to the Chevron location. Be sure to phone the farm for any special orders!
Saturday - Joann and Rolo will be at the Hernando County Farmers Market on Hwy 19 with 40 other vendors! Come and browse, shop, and visit with your neighbors - it's an all 'round enjoyable time. You'll also be supporting local businesses by visiting their booths. Be sure to phone the farm for any special orders!
Saturday and everyday - Gran'ma Angie, Nana Phyllis, Joann and Rolo will be at the Produce Barn until 6PM.
For our Calendar of Locations, and special times and dates for November, please click here, or click on the Calendar Tab at the top of this page.
In Honor of "Bundt Pan Day"
Be Thankful Quotes for this week:
Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, heartbreak makes you wiser.
So thank the past for a better future.
Whatever may be, whatever may happen,
lift your head high with thankfulness and
enthusiasm. For when you so choose,
the best is yet to come.
Ralph Marston
“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more.
If you concentrate on what you don't have,
you will never, ever have enough”
~ Oprah Winfrey
As always, thank you for your encouragement and support. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do what we love most - FARM!
All of us at Beasley Farm
10137 Preston Rd
just off Mondon Hill Road between Hwy 41 and Hwy 50.
Produce Barn is open daily until 6PM
Phone 352-799-6752
When we're busy in the field, our cells keep us available:
352-232-3381 and 352-232-0294
E-mail us
For our Produce Stand locations, dates, and hours please click here.
Please phone the farm to special order Southern Field Peas if you would like them brought to one of our satellite locations.
10137 Preston Rd
just off Mondon Hill Road between Hwy 41 and Hwy 50.
Produce Barn is open daily until 6PM
Phone 352-799-6752
When we're busy in the field, our cells keep us available:
352-232-3381 and 352-232-0294
E-mail us
For our Produce Stand locations, dates, and hours please click here.
Please phone the farm to special order Southern Field Peas if you would like them brought to one of our satellite locations.